Personal injury statutes in California can be very confusing. To bring a personal injury lawsuit, you first have to show a third party was responsible for your injuries. This can be done numerous ways, depending on the type of accident. For example, car accidents can be caused by drunk or distracted drivers, or a driver who is going too fast for road conditions.
Those who suffer an injury due to a slip, or trip and fall accident on commercial property must be able to demonstrate the owner had knowledge of the hazard. For example, if it was raining outside and the hallway is wet, the property owner cannot be reasonably expected to avoid a wet floor. However, if a pipe has been dripping for weeks, they should have taken steps to repair the pipe.
Personal injury cases are confusing and each case is different. We have represented clients in Los Angeles County who have suffered an injury due to negligence, and willful acts. Since no two cases are the same, we will review the specifics of the incident which resulted in your injuries, and explain the potential outcomes. Contact The Law Office of Julio C. Vasquez if you or a loved one is injured, we will be happy to review your case and explain your options.
We offer assistance with the following Personal Injury cases: